Gasoline is readily available in most towns in Canada. Octane levels of 87, 91 and 94 are usually what most service stations offer in the bigger towns and cities. In many northern towns gas is only available with an 87 or slightly lower rating.
Gas prices increase the further away from a major city you get and can be quite expense in some of the remote areas you may travel too. Along with increasing prices also comes the time of day that gas is available in the smaller towns. It is not uncommon for many remote towns to close their service stations at 8 or 9 pm at night or to open later than some folks may be used. In some of the very remote areas gas may only be available until 5 pm and may not open until 9 am the next morning.
For all of the routes provided there are no stretches between locations with available gasoline of more than 400 kilometres. In the few instances where this rule is broken it is noted in the route description. A rule of thumb is that stretches between available gasoline locations is usually about 200 kilometres.
Most service stations offer diesel fuel. In the cities and larger towns some service stations may not offer diesel but as a rule of thumb, any service stations in a small town will. In Canada diesel fuel is typically a bit less money per litre than gasoline.
Prices fluctuate based on the world economy so we will not provide any pricing but typically the gas prices in Canada are 40% more than in the United States. Prices in the major urban areas are usually cheaper than in the more remote areas. Most folks will save a few dollars by filling up their vehicles when in larger towns as opposed to waiting and filling up in the small towns.
Filling up in Kapaskasking, Ontario. Photo By Eric Roehl